Bigg City Port; A Tugs Fansite

Important Harbour Vessels

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Beyond the Breakwater (Links)

"Now you can show us the way home, Lillie" Ten Cents in Reggatta/4th of July

These characters are vital to the upkeep of Bigg City Port.

Lilly Lightship
Located at the rocks on the mouth of the river, she shines her light saving many vessels

Fire Tug or Harbour Launch
Appearing in many eppisodes, often as an extra, is the emergency services for the port

Coast Guard
The harbours customs launch and police boat, he appears in most eppisodes.

Port Authority
Is this the Coast Guard? Picture taken from the rare 1990 annual

The Coast Guard Messenger
As seen in 4th of July, this is the same model as the Speed boat in Quarantine

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